Ahmet Sinan Cevik


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Dersler / Courses



Some courses teached from 1999 to till now:



Calculus I – II    (two terms for the first years of Engineering Depts. )


Algebra I – II   (two terms for the Maths Dept.)


Linear Algebra I – II   (two terms for the Maths and Engineering Depts.)


Abstract Mathematics I – II   (two terms for the first years of Maths Dept.)




Advanced Group Theory   (two terms for the Ms.C. and Ph.D. students)

Advanced Ring and Module Theory   (two terms for the Ms.C. and Ph.D. students)



Module Theory   (two terms for the Ms.C. and Ph.D. students)


Homological Algebra   (two terms for the Ms.C. and Ph.D. students)




Latest News


Lisansüstü derslerde kullanılmak amacıyla hazırlanan Lecture Notes - I, Some Topics of the COMBINATORIAL GROUP THEORY isimli kitabım Nobel Yayın Dağıtım tarafından Mart 2022 de satışa sunulmuştur.



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