International Conferences and Invited talks
E1. Çevik, A.S., “The p-Cockcroft Property of Central Extensions of Groups”, I. Antalya Algebra Days, 1999.
E2. Çevik, A.S., “The Efficiency of Standard Wreath Product”, IV. Antalya Algebra Days, 2002.
E3. Çevik, A.S., “The p-Cockcroft property of Semi-Direct Products of Monoids”, V. Antalya Algebra Days, 2003.
E4. Çevik, A.S., “Some Minimal but Inefficient Monoid Presentations”, VI. Antalya Algebra Days, 2004.
E5. Çevik, A.S., “Minimal but Inefficient Presentations for Semidirect products of Finite Cyclic Monoids”, VIII. Antalya Algebra Days, 2006.
E6. Çevik, A.S., “Some Minimal Monoid Presentations”, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, Bursa, 2008.
E7. Çevik, A.S., “Geometric Approximations to Minimality of Monoids”, 20 th International Congress of Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 21-23 August, Bursa, 2008.
E8. Çevik, A.S. & Karpuz G.E., “Decision Problems over Semigroups”, 77th Workshop on General Algebra (24th. Conference for Young Algebraist), University of Potsdam, Germany, 20-22 March 2009.
E9. Çevik, A.S., “A Relationship between Subgroup Separability and Efficiency”, 5th Asian Mathematical Conference, 22-26 June, Kuala Lumpur, 2009.
E10. Çevik, A.S. & Karpuz G.E., “The Word and Generalized Word Problem for Semigroups under Wreath Products”, 79th Workshop on General Algebra, Olomouc, February 12-14, 2010.
E11. Çevik, A.S. (joint work with Gungor A.D.), “Some Bounds for Extreme Singular Values of a Complex Matrix”, International Congress in Honour of Professor H. M. Srivastava on his 70th Birth Anniversary, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 18-21 August 2010.
E12. Çevik, A.S. (joint work with Karpuz E.G., Gungor A.D., Ates F., Cangul I.N.), “One dimension higher of the word problem for monoids”, International Congress in Honour of Professor H. M. Srivastava on his 70th Birth Anniversary, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 18-21 August 2010.
E13. Çevik, A.S. (joint work with Gungor A.D., Ates, F., Karpuz, E.G., Cangul I.N.), “A New Example of Deficiency One Groups”, “Generating functions of special numbers and polynomials and their applications” with in International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010)”, Rhodes, Grecee, 19-26 September 2010.
E14. Çevik, A.S. (joint work with Gungor A.D., Ates, F., Karpuz, E.G., Cangul I.N.), “On the Efficiency of Semi-Direct Products of Finite Cyclic Monoids by One-Relator Monoids”, “Generating functions of special numbers and polynomials and their applications” with in International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010)”, Rhodes, Grecee, 19-26 September 2010.
E15. Çevik, A.S. (joint work with Gungor A.D., Ates, F., Karpuz, E.G., Cangul I.N.), “Generalization for Estrada Index”, “Generating functions of special numbers and polynomials and their applications” with in International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010)”, Rhodes, Grecee, 19-26 September 2010.
E16. Çevik, A.S. (joint work with Gungor A.D., Ates, F., Karpuz, E.G., Cangul I.N.), “On the Norms of Toeplitz and Henkel Matrices with Pell Numbers”, “Generating functions of special numbers and polynomials and their applications” with in International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010)”, Rhodes, Grecee, 19-26 September 2010.
E17. Çevik, A.S. (joint work with Gungor A.D., Namli, D., Tekcan, A., Cangul I.N.), “Primes in ${\mathbb Z}[exp \frac{2i\pi}{3}]$”, “Generating functions of special numbers and polynomials and their applications” with in International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010 (ICNAAM 2010)”, Rhodes, Grecee, 19-26 September 2010.
E18. Çevik, A.S., “Deficiencies on Groups and Monoids”, 81st Workshop on General Algebra, Salzburg University, Salzburg, Austria, 03-06 February 2011.
E19. Çevik, A.S., “Some Minimality Results on Monoids”, 82nd Workshop on General Algebra, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 24-26 June 2011.
E20. Çevik, A.S., 24th The Conference of International Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 20-23 July 2011 Konya, Türkiye. (Head of Organisation).
E21. Çevik, A.S., (with Firat Ates, Eylem G. Karpuz), “The efficiency of the semi-direct products of free abelian monoid with rank n by the infinite cyclic monoid”, “Generating functions of special numbers and polynomials and their applications” with in International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011 (ICNAAM 2011)”, Halkidiki, Grecee, 19-26 September 2011.
E22. Çevik, A.S., (with Firat Ates, Eylem G. Karpuz), “Conjugacy for free groups under split extensions”, “Generating functions of special numbers and polynomials and their applications” with in International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2011 (ICNAAM 2011)”, Halkidiki, Grecee, 19-26 September 2011.
E23. Çevik, A.S., “Grobner-Shirshov Bases of Bruck-Reilly *-Extensions of Monoids”, 25th The Conference of International Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 23-27 Temmuz 2012 Seul, Korea.
E24. Çevik, A.S., (with Nihat Akgüneş and Kinkar Chandra Das) “On a Graph of Monogenic Semigroups”, International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M. Srivastava at The Auditorium at the Campus of Uludag University Bursa-TURKEY August 23-26, 2012.
E25. Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Chandra Das and I. Naci Cangül) “The Number of Spanning Trees of a Graph”, International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M. Srivastava at The Auditorium at the Campus of Uludag University Bursa-TURKEY August 23-26, 2012.
E26. Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Chandra Das, Aysun Yurttaş, Müge Togan and I. Naci Cangül) “Multiplicative Zagrep Indices of some Graph Operations of Complete Graphs”, International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M. Srivastava at The Auditorium at the Campus of Uludag University Bursa-TURKEY August 23-26, 2012.
E27. Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Chandra Das, Ayse Dilek Maden, Ismail Naci Cangul, Betul Acar) “The Kirchhoff matrix, new Kirchhoff indices and the Kirchhoff Energy”, International Conference on the Theory, Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Equations. Texas A&M University – Kingsville, 17-21 December 2012, USA.
E28. Çevik, A.S., (with Kinkar Chandra Das, Aysun Yurttaş, Müge Togan and I. Naci Cangül) “Bounds over Multiplicative Zagrep Indices”, International Conference on the Theory, Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Equations. Texas A&M University – Kingsville, 17-21 December 2012, USA.
E29. Çevik, A.S., (with I. Naci Cangül, Aysun Yurttaş, Muge Togan),“Some formulae for the Zagreb indices of graphs”, Conference Information: 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2012 (ICNAAM 2012), SEP 19-25 2012, Kos, GREECE Source: GENERATING FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings, (Edt. Theodore E. Simos, George Psihoyios, Ch. Tsitouras, Zacharias Anastassi), Volume 1479, pg. 365-367, 2012. (Web of Science)
E30. Çevik, A.S., (with I. Naci Cangül and Yilmaz Simsek) “A new approach to connect algebra with analysis: Relationships and applications between presentations and generating functions”, International Workshop “Questions, Algorithms, and Computations in Abstract Group Theory”. Braunschweigh, 21-24 May 2013 Germany.
E31. Çevik, A.S., (with N. Akgüneş) “Some indices on a special graph”, 4th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Konya, 02-05 July 2013 Turkey.
E32. Çevik, A.S., (with I. Naci Cangül and Yilmaz Simsek) “Relationships between presentations and generating functions”, 26th The Conference of International Jangjeon Mathematical Society, 01-05 Agust 2013, Bangalore, India.
E33. Çevik, A.S., International Conference on Algebra in honour of Patrick Smith’s and John Clark’s 70th Birthdays, 12-15 August 2013, Balikesir, Turkey. (Member of the Organisation Committee).
E34. Çevik, A.S., International Congress in honour of Ravi Agarwal, June 23-26, 2014, Bursa Turkey (Member of the Organisation and Scientific Committees).
E35. Çevik, A.S., (with I. Naci Cangül and Yilmaz Simsek) “Relationships between presentations and generating functions”, 27th International Conference of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, p-Analysis, Umbral Algebra and their Applications, 02-04 August 2014, Daejeon, Korea (Speaker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E36. Çevik, A.S., “Some new indices on special graphs”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics ICRAPAM 2014, 06-09 November 2014, Antalya, Turkey (Speaker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E37. Çevik, A.S. (with M. Togan, A. Yurttas, I.N. Cangul) “Minimal polynomials corresponding to spectral sets of some graphs”, 28. International Conference on the Jangjeon Mathematical Society ICJMS 2015, 15-19 May 2015, Antalya, Turkey (Joint worker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E38. Çevik, A.S. (with F. Ates, E.G. Karpuz, I.N. Cangul) “A presentation and some finiteness conditions for a new version of the Shützenberger product of monoids”, 28. International Conference on the Jangjeon Mathematical Society ICJMS 2015, 15-19 May 2015, Antalya, Turkey (Speaker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E39. Çevik, A.S. (with E.G. Karpuz, N. Urlu) “Gröbner-Shirshov basis of an exceptional Braid groups”, 28. International Conference on the Jangjeon Mathematical Society ICJMS 2015, 15-19 May 2015, Antalya, Turkey (Joint worker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E40. Çevik, A.S. (with F. Ates, E.G. Karpuz, I.N. Cangul) “The New Type of Shützenberger Products of Monoids”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics ICRAPAM 2015, 03-06 June 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (Speaker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E41. Çevik, A.S. (with S. Topkaya) “A new graph over semi-direct products of groups”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics ICRAPAM 2015, 03-06 June 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (Joint worker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E42. Çevik, A.S. (with I.N. Cangul, M. Togan, A. Yurttas) “Some Zagreb Indices of Double Graphs”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics ICRAPAM 2015, 03-06 June 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (Joint worker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E43. Çevik, A.S. (with E. Kangal, E.G. Karpuz) “The Word problem on Special Cases”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics ICRAPAM 2015, 03-06 June 2015, Istanbul, Turkey (Joint worker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E44. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “Graph Theoretical Indices and Some Applications”, International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods, 14-16.04.2016, University of Craiova, Romania (Joint worker).
E45. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “Chemical Applications of Graph Indices”, 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICRAPAM 2016), 19-23.05.2016, Bodrum-Mugla-Turkey (Joint worker).
E46. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “Results and Applications regarding the Topological Graph Indices”, 11th Ankara Mathematics Days, Ankara University, 26-27.05.2016, Ankara-Turkey (Joint worker).
E47. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “Topological Descriptors of Some Graphs”, 3rd Istanbul Design Theory, Graph Theory and Combinatorics Workshop, Koc University, 13-17.06.2016, Istanbul-Turkey (Joint worker).
E48. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “Edge Operations in Graphs and Zagreb Indices”, Interational Conference on Analysis and its Applications, Ahi Evran University, 12-15.07.2016, Kırşehir-Turkey (Joint worker).
E49. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “Some Inequalities with Zagreb Indices”, Distance in Graph 2016, 18-22.07.2016, Bali-Indonesia (Joint worker).
E50. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “Graph Descriptors and Chemical Applications”, 5th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (IECMSA-2016), 16-19.08.2016, Belgrade-Serbia (Joint worker).
E51. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “Applications of Topological Graph Indices”, 2nd International Conference on Algebra in Honour of Leonid BOKUT and Surender K. JAIN, 26-29.08.2016, Burhaniye-Balikesir-Turkey (Joint worker – Head of Organization).
E52. Cangul, I. N., Yurttas, A., Togan, M., Cevik, A. S., “New Formulae for Zagreb Indices”, 14th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2016, 19-25 September 2016, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece (Joint worker).
E53. Cevik, A. S., Wazzan, S. A., Ates, F., “New constructions on a special type of General products over monoids”, The 2nd Mediterranean International Conference of Pure & Applied Mathematics and Related Areas (MICOPAM 2019), 28-31 August 2019, Paris, France (Speaker - Member of the Scientific Committee).
E54. Cevik, A. S., “Is there any relationship between minimality and multiset dimensions?”, The 7th Mediterranean International Conference of Pure & Applied Mathematics and Related Areas (MICOPAM 2024), October 26-29, 2024 Antalya-Turkey (Speaker - Member of the Scientific Committee).